Inconceivable! Climb the Cliffs of Insanity, brave the Fire Swamp, and help Buttercup, Westley, Fezzik, and Inigo Montoya survive the dastardly machinations of Prince Humperdinck, Count Rugen, and Vizzini. Follow the incredible story of The Princess Bride through six chapters and work together to keep the plot on course despite Shrieking Eels, kissing, and constant interruptions! Will the forces of evil — or true "wove" — prevail?
In The Princess Bride Adventure Book Game, players work together to advance the plot and tell all six chapters despite interruptions from a sick grandson. Each chapter is represented by a new board within a "book" of game boards. Instead of each player controlling a single character, players cooperate to complete challenges by moving characters and discarding story cards from their hand.
Each chapter has a series of challenges that require characters to be in specific locations and specific story cards to be discarded from a player's hand. All challenges must be completed before players can advance to the next chapter. A chapter can be interrupted by different story-based conditions or by the grandson. Players have one more chance to complete the story after an interruption, or they lose the game. Special story cards earned as a reward for completing challenges as well as miracle tokens give players more options and help them along the way.
The Princess Bride Adventure Book Game includes paintable miniatures for Westley, Princess Buttercup, Prince Humperdinck, Count Rugen, Vizzini, Inigo Montoya, and Fezzik.
Jessica Guzman / Kristofer Leal
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Hey everyone! We here at Euphies Cards and Collectibles strive to bring you a little adventure to your life with awesome selection in board games that test your wits. We also have select card games and card supplies. We are just at the beginning stages of our own adventure and hope to bring you more games and collectibles in the future. Thank you for supporting our small business!